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Posts Tagged Leadership

Dear Mr. Elrod: I Forgive You

My guess is you haven’t had a lot of people tell you that lately.

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Leadership Challenge

I run a leadership program that helps young men and women figure out what they want to do with their lives,

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Buying Cars

My friend Paul Barclay used to tell this story about buying his first car. He had been saving up money for awhile, and finally,...

What’s Your Promised Land?

What’s your biggest leadership failure?

I wonder how Moses would answer that question. Imagine that you are Moses, spending time with God up on Mount...

5 Ways to Encourage Those You Lead

I have the great privilege of working with an amazing team. A team that fights for one another instead of against one another. A...

Were You There?

This week our church has been holding Vacation Bible School for the neighborhood. The team has a done a great job. My job was...

Giving Up Yes for Lent

This piece was originally published at The Well.

Teddy Roosevelt’s quote rings often in my ears:

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win...

Epiphany and Competing Calendars: #thestruggleisreal

An earlier version of this article was published at The Well.

A couple of weeks into Advent, I realized that our best-laid plans for living...

The Time I Heard a Curse Word in Church

I was scheduled to speak on a Sunday night for a new church client, and as is customary for me I attended their morning...

Celebrity Pastors – Say What?

Over the past few years I have noticed a disturbing trend with so-called “celebrity pastors” – the trend actually isn’t related to them, but...
