Do you ever wish we could go back to a simpler time?
I’m talking like horses instead of cars. I do. Sometimes I wish we could get rid of all our cell phones and computers. Holy cow they just suck the pizzaz right out of me sometimes (I’m not really sure what pizzazz is either).
Really, I’m just tired of my phone running my life. And I’m really tired of social media.
I’m social media SICK!
In a world saturated with selfies, followers, friends, likes and retweets, it’s really easy to become self-absorbed. Heck, it’s easy without all that stuff. But social media sure does add to it. Posting pics of ourselves. Buying selfie sticks so we can take selfies of ourselves. Tweeting about ourselves. Snap chatting, Googling, You-tubing, Instagramming about ourselves. Facebooking about ourselves. And on and on it goes.
I’m sick of posting stuff about myself. Does anybody else feel that way? I have this feeling all the time. I’m sick of social media taking so much of my time. I’m just like some of you though. I run my own business. I’m my own brand. Come to think of it, we’re all our own brand. It’s kind of like being a leader. Whether you realize it or not, you’re a leader. Yeah you. That’s right. No matter how many friends or followers, re-tweets or even likes you have or get, you’re a leader. You influence people. All the time.
Absolutely, it’s necessary and appropriate to post and promote yourself within context.
There’s nothing wrong with believing in yourself and in what you have to offer. It’s called marketing. (By the way, you have so much to offer! We all do). But we mustn’t become consumed with ourselves. I struggle with this. No doubt. I’m a selfish punk. A lot. Let me repeat that. I’m a dumb-dumb. But check this. I’m a dumb-dumb loved & made righteous by King Jesus. And that’s where my identity and confidence lay.
So how do we fight this temptation to make everything about “me?”
Here’s a way: get rid of all social media. That’s right. Social media’s the devil and I ain’t scared to say it. Not really. Social media can suck. And can suck the life out of us. But it can be an unbelievable source for good. It’s like most things in life, it’s a heart issue. So, how do you use your platform? How are you influencing those that follow you? Would you say that you’re a source that brings light, life and love to others? Or are you too busy belittling, hating, and complaining? You have a choice. We all have a choice.
Here’s another way: make everything about others. For real though, one simple way to fight the constant battle of selfishness and selfies is to lift others up. Use your life for something greater. Others. Use your life for the greatest. Jesus! Shed light on the good others are doing. Have friends who pour their heart & souls into work and never get any credit for it? Now’s the time. And it’s not about people getting credit. It’s about us getting out of ourselves and lifting others up.
Here’s a challenge.
Think of ways to encourage and lift others up this week. Over 50 and don’t know how to use social media? That’s okay, write a letter or get real old fashioned and make a phone call. Prayer is another phenomenal way too. Spend more time praying for others.
Of course I want to practice what I preach. And there’s no better time to start than NOW…So…
Here are five incredible organizations/people that I love and want to lift up. You gotta check em out!
- HE>I. HE>i (HE is greater than i) is a lifestyle company / clothing brand that is based off of one of my favorite Bible verses, John 3:30 – “HE (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.” They operate out of the small town of Hale’iwa, on the North Shore of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Their purpose is to produce quality clothing and accessories to encourage, inspire, and share the good news of our savior, Jesus. Rock on! And their gear is so sweet!
- Agape Attire. Here’s another cool clothing brand. Their gear is legit and they do it all for the King. If you’re a Christian and don’t have any Christian swag, shame on you. Kidding. Jesus don’t care. But if you’re anything like me and love supporting companies that lift high the name of Jesus, grab some of their gear to spice up your wardrobe.
- Judah Smith. He’s the pastor at The City Church out in Seattle that I’ve been listening to lately. God uses him to speak to me in a mighty way. I like his style. He’s funny. He’s goofy(reminds me of myself). But most of all, his passion and love for Jesus inspire and encourage me massively!
- Audrey Eggars Thompson. She’s my incredibly funny, sweet and off-the-wall sister in law. She just wrote her first children’s book, Bug In My Brain, and it’s spectacular. You AND your kids will absolutely love her charming and cleverly rhyming stories about a little girl named Gigi!
- Angel Oak Creative. My other sweet and loving sister in law, Caitlin Clinard (you know, my wife’s twin, the one we live with?) started Angel Oak Creative, an agency specializing in marketing for nonprofits over four years ago. She graciously hired me for some part time work a couple of weeks ago. And it’s been such a blessing to get a real understanding of the work they do for so many incredible nonprofits. It’s real Kingdom work. If you’re a nonprofit in North Carolina and need some marketing help, Angel Oak Creative’s where it’s at.
How can you focus on lifting others up this week? Try it. Something. Anything. It’ll do your soul more good than you know! And finally, know this, the only like you’ll ever need has already been PURCHASED for you.