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The Spirit of Fear

If you follow my blogs, you know that my sister Christie died of cancer last September.  The last weeks of her life were spent...

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153- A Fisherman’s Tale of Why God and Money Mix

153 – the number of scaly silverbacks those bone-wet, exhausted nighttime disciple-anglers hauled in when the resurrected Jesus told them to cast on the...

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I’m Already Dead

Finding myself obsessed with death one too many times, I decided to investigate what my Christian faith taught on the topic. Reading all I...

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Paul and James, Faith and Works

One of my favorite historical/theological conversations is the faith/works debate. There are two reasons I enjoy visiting this topic with college papers and personal...

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Are We Meant to Take This Seriously?

“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold...

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How Much Stuff Do You Need?

Maybe you don’t need belongings as much as you think.


I have a lot of stuff. I’ve got over 7 pairs of shoes, at least...

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Hope in the Desert

For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD

Psalm 117:2

The faithfulness of the Lord...

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I’m A Two Year Old

Being a father is the best lesson on being a son. I was not the best son to my earthly father but I’m really...

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The Happy Past Restored

What has been and what can never be.


As I gazed at the picture of my precious babies, my heart ached. More than anything, I...

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What Happens When You Give Up Social Media

Life without screens.


I spend all day on social media. No, really. My job is in the Christian media space, I manage no less than...

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