The older I get the harder life seems. Life, with all of its living, has given me a bounty of goodness. In terms of counting your blessings, I’ve been blessed to an overflow. My heart is full. I’m a grateful woman, but sometimes the world just feels so heavy.
Maybe the wisdom that comes with each pass around the sun, has provided me with an understanding of loss. I’m much more aware of how much I have and how quickly I could lose it. Honestly, I’ve lived much of my thirties riddled with fear. It’s had a crippling effect on my heart. It’s kept me from living in each moment out of fear that the moment may pass. Where’s the irony in that?
Maybe this connects with you, too? Maybe life’s twists and turns have left you feeling blessed, but still a bit tattered and torn? Have you picked up fear and carried it along on your journey? Have you tried controlling circumstances in an effort to keep away hurt or loss?
I’m constantly reminded that this world is not my home. In these moments, I long for the day of the Lord’s return. I rejoice in knowing that one day, hurt, fear, and loss are coming to an end. What I wish I could grasp though, is that Jesus came for that hurt to be healed today – not someday, friends. Today. This day, we can have His peace. I have yet to tightly grip on to this truth. Joy and freedom are here today! What it requires of me is to sit in God’s grace and to take those moments that grab ahold of my heart, the ones I try to control, and hand them over to the Creator of my heart.
Second Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
The dichotomy of life on Earth is that we experience the highs and lows of living. The threads of grace are available for us to bind our hearts with His most perfect peace.
Whatever life has handed you, I’m praying you’re able to walk thorough the heavy knowing that the Spirit He’s given us is not of fear but of love. May we walk freely in His promises.