Post: I’m A Two Year Old

Being a father is the best lesson on being a son. I was not the best son to my earthly father but I’m really trying to be a better son to my heavenly father. Being obedient is really easy except for when my heavenly father doesn’t quite understand what I need and when I need it. Which is always now.

I often have my two year old do menial tasks in order to kill time until the next thing. I believe most parents understand this. For example, when my son wants to go to the YMCA to play with his friends, he would like to immediately put on his shoes and walk outside to get in the car. The fact that he’s only wearing an amber necklace and a cloth diaper does not seem to faze him at all. Or that it’s 6:30am and the kids area doesn’t open until 9. Seeing as it’s ineffective to say “be patient Mr. Two Year Old, we will go in 3 hours”, I have to come up with other things for him to do. “Hey, would you like to turn on the Christmas lights?” “Why don’t we go get your firetruck and fix the ladder?” “Do you want to help me fold your blanket?” “Let’s take the trash out!” At any point, he’ll stop and remember that he wanted to go to the Y and impatiently complain to me about what we’re doing.

There’s a point to it all. I have the best intentions for him. I want him to go and have fun. I want him to enjoy himself. However, I know that at 6:30 am we would get there, and have to sit in the car for three hours. During which we will all lose our minds. Same goes for snacks and meals. I want him to eat, but when he asks for a slice of cheese 30 mins before his meal, I have to deny him that instant gratification. If we push through for another 30 mins, then he can have the rice, chicken, and vegetables we prepared for him which is his favorite meal.

Do you see where this is going? As a believer in Jesus, I just cannot understand why God doesn’t give me a high paying job right now. I don’t understand why I have to deal with difficult people. Why can’t I just have my heaven here on earth? James 1:12 very poetically states “ Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” I am promised the crown of life, yet I get upset because I want a newer car. I am gifted the presence of the Creator, yet I yearn for nicer shoes.

Friends, let us start considering ourselves as two year olds in the eyes of God. Let us start remembering that He has created us, He unconditionally loves us, and He promises eternity at His side. I’ve always thought that knowing the ending to the story would make the journey easier. Then again, I’m a two year old.

Picture of Ardi Shahini

Ardi Shahini

Ardi is a son of Jesus, husband to Tiffany, and a father to Vincent and Victor. Has been serving as an elder for the past 8 years at Aletheia Norfolk Church in Norfolk, VA. He enjoys Italian soccer, fighting the establishment, and being proven wrong by wiser people.