On March 14, 2017 Zondervan will publish my new book The Seven Money Types: Discover How God Wired You to Handle Money, which is available for pre-order (you get free stuff) at www.sevenmoneytypes.com. There, you can discover your biblical money type, and much more. Here’s an excerpt from the final chapter, which I hope will encourage you to continue to strengthen the relationship between faith and finances in your life:
“When it comes to our resources, we’re often driven by the notion that we don’t have enough—this was the original temptation Adam and Eve encountered. Sometimes this is true; real financial challenges enter our lives. Often, however, this idea stems from the belief that we are not enough. We’ve listened to the serpents in our lives, those haunting thoughts and experiences that tell us something is missing, that we are missing out on life, and that God is insidiously at the center as the cause of this missed-out-on experience, whatever it is. Look at the story. By believing they lacked something, and by eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve began to believe that intrinsically they lacked. So they hid from God and fought with each other. Our relationships to God, resources, and one another are so intertwined that when we experience pain in one area it makes an impact on all the others.”
I hope you’ll take the time to visit the site and learn how your biblical money type influences your financial thoughts, emotions, and actions.