Beth Gianopulos

Picture of Beth Gianopulos

Beth Gianopulos

Beth Mabe Gianopulos is a pastor’s wife (“PW”), a lawyer, and a mom of three amazing kids. Beth is married to Michael Gianopulos and is passionate about serving others at their church and mission organization, Project:Re3 ( Beth lives in Kernersville, North Carolina. Read more from Beth at

Author Posts


What is Love?

February is the month of love.  We have teenagers in the house, so I get to see love through their

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Christian Life

Janu – worry

No matter where you live, how much you earn, or how healthy you are, at some point, you will worry. 

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Clay Pots

For years, my oldest son has been obsessed with football. This summer, before he started ninth grade, he begged to

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Christian Life

Finding Rest

I am constantly looking for tips and tricks to be more efficient.  I recently discovered an app that allows me

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Christian Life


This week at church, we received communion.  Just before the bread was placed in my hands, I reflected on Jesus’

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Christian Life

Be Then Sun

A few days ago, my son jumped into the car.  He excitedly showed me the bracelet that he had made

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