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Posts by Anna Moseley Gissing

A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to...

So you think boys can dance?

Saturday my 5-year-old daughter celebrated a friend’s birthday at a cooking party. While waiting for the chicken fingers to bake, all of the boys...

Books as Tonic

How do you care for yourself? How do you cope with the messiness, stress, or busyness of life? Do you have regular habits that...

Baltimore and the Pink Chair

When riots broke out in Baltimore, I didn’t know. I wasn’t on my computer that day. I spent the day picking out paint for my...

Single on Sundays – Five Lessons Learned

I am a single mom on Sundays. My kids are 5 and 6, and my husband is a pastor. I love the church. But...

Father, forgive him

I’ve been angry recently. I’m in the middle of some circumstances that feel unjust. And it’s easy to blame one person whose individual decisions...

“Rejoice with those who rejoice”—on Facebook

Facebook is not always good for one’s mental health. Maybe you’re the type that posts provocative political posts and then engages in “friendly banter”...

#TheDress and Putting People in Boxes

By now, you’ve likely seen #thedress whether or not you ever cared about its true colors. One night recently I came home from speaking at...

Doing the One Necessary Thing

Lent began last Wednesday. Did you give something up? I am giving up being busy by saying “no” to anything new during Lent. My...

Is there an essential oil for that?

At 5:15am, I received the dreaded phone call: Another snow day. My kids have been out of school for the last five Mondays. And...