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Posts by Joe Danehower
New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Sorry for the cliché title, but with all the promise and expectation of a new year, I think it’s a fair (and on the...

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Go Vote, but First

Go Vote, but First

If you’ve spent any time on social media in the last few weeks, you’re aware of the new trend. Voting, for the first time...

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Longing for Real

Longing for Real

“Hey man how are you?”

“Good, You?”

“Hanging in there. How’s work?”

“Busy. How’s the wife?”

“Doing well, just started a new job.”

“So great man. Glad to hear...

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When Doubt is a Good Thing

When Doubt is a Good Thing

Recently, I’ve spent far too many hours in various airports painfully watching a departure time creep further and further into the night. Not only...

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What To Do When Everything Hurts

What To Do When Everything Hurts

I have a tendency to overpromise and underdeliver – even in my own seemingly benign decisions. It’s never out of malicious intent, just the...

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Stop Wasting Your Existence

Stop Wasting Your Existence

The healthiest of us will maybe get 90 years on this planet. The rest of us? Somewhere around 80. That’s roughly 4,000 Monday mornings,...

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“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your...

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No More Mirrors

No More Mirrors

Wake up.

Look in the mirror.

What do you see?

As strange as this sounds, I don’t think we ever get accustomed to our own image. No...

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False Community

False Community

“They say everyone’s welcome, but they all look and act the same. It’s like there’s a dress code and a set of behaviors, basically...

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Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow might as well be too. Another mundane, routine day filling space between weekends. There’s the early morning wake up, groggy...

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