Esther Followwill-Johnson

Author Posts

Christian Life

Skeptics + Doers

I see the church divided into two camps this year. 1- THE SKEPTICS. The critics. 2- And the doers. The

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Christian Life

The Sound of Silence

I’m 32 and adore Simon and Garfunkel, is that normal? Probably not. Anyhow, music isn’t crucial to our topic but

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The Power of Giving Up

Want to know a control freak’s nightmare?  2020. Every Type-A person in the world right now probably feels like someone

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Christian Life

Are You At War?

Yesterday I asked my mom what being saved FELT like. Coming out of the sheer chaos of her life before

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Christian Life


Lately it seems like most people I know want to be insta-famous. I get the appeal. There is the undeniable

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Frightening Simplicity

I don’t need to tell you our culture is saturated in extravagance; the evidence is ubiquitous.  It is easy to feel

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