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Posts by Anna Moseley Gissing
Four Tips for Difficult Conversations

Four Tips for Difficult Conversations

“Do you think she needs counseling?”

That was the abrupt beginning to a hard conversation with a friend last night.

Earlier in the day, my daughter...

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Jesus, Wake Me Up!

Jesus, Wake Me Up!

Today is the day when we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. The day when we recognize the progress we’ve made toward...

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What’s Your Promised Land?

What’s your biggest leadership failure?

I wonder how Moses would answer that question. Imagine that you are Moses, spending time with God up on Mount...


As I walk the five blocks to the bus stop, I pass the glorious red maple tree on the right. And then the poplar,...

The Dreaded “L” Word

One slow Saturday morning not so very long ago, I was snuggling with my daughter in her bed. And from my vantage point two...

On Seatbacks and Sin

Last Sunday, I flew from Philadelphia to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, with a layover in Detroit. It was the fifteenth anniversary of that horrible...

What are you hiding?

I’m pretty much an open book. It’s easy for me to open up to people—to share the good and the bad in my life,...

Sharp Knives and Leaky Tents: Lessons from Camping

Spurred on by my cub scout’s requirement to camp before his next pack meeting, we loaded our family up and headed to a state...

I Am Overweight

I am overweight. I have been my entire adult life. You’ve heard of the freshman 15? I gained the freshman 27. And I never...

Giving Up Yes for Lent

This piece was originally published at The Well.

Teddy Roosevelt’s quote rings often in my ears:

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win...
