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Posts by Houston Clark

Jesus Loves You Just As You Are

There seems to be a disconnect between what I believe and my life. I believe that I am a sinner in need of...

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I Dare You to Engage

Seems like all this world thinks it needs is some good ole “engagement.” I ask God to give friends and loved ones courage...

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Humility Sucks

Humility Sucks

God humbled me greatly the past 10 days and I hated it.

note: My wife, Grace Anne, and I are RUF...

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A Celebration of the Secular

I’m realizing that I’m more cynical than I thought and certainly dare to admit. It’s about time that I confront it.

I love...

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What should you ban from your life today?

Abraham Lincoln supposedly said “so you’re the little woman who wrote the book that started this great...

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“Be perfect; therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” –Matthew 5:48

The right response to this verse is to go be perfect, right? Right, so...

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Do You Know God?

In his magnum opus, Knowing God, J.I. Packer argues: it does not necessarily follow that if you know about God, then you know God...

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Stop Complaining

I have always wondered why complaining is not taken as seriously as say, pride, or lust. Why is complaining not being confessed alongside drunkenness...

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How Much Stuff Do You Need?

Maybe you don’t need belongings as much as you think.


I have a lot of stuff. I’ve got over 7 pairs of shoes, at least...

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Are You Actually Being Called?

We should be more concerned  with loving the people in our lives this very instant than trying to discern where and towards what God...

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