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We Need Advent Now More Than Ever

We Need Advent Now More Than Ever

My most significant childhood memory of Advent is the year it smelled like our Advent wreath had been peed on. You read that correctly. Let me set the stage for you. Each year – early December or late November – the church I grew up in would have a time set aside for families to make Advent wreaths. Some lovely church people would cut the vegetation, likely from some overgrown church bushes, stuff them into black trash bags, and buy...

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The Last Time That Happened…

The Last Time That Happened…

The first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel are some of the most familiar in scripture. They are typically read every year throughout the Christmas season, and the family classic A Charlie Brown Christmas features a large chunk of chapter 2 read in its entirety by Linus. For most of us, we’ve heard this story a bunch of times. Yet one of my favorite things about the Bible is that there are countless layers to practically any part of God’s Word....

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The Beginning

The Beginning

This part of the story is going to be hazy to me. I don’t remember being born. I remember my second birth so clearly, but that first one is never really clear to us. I was, I existed. My life began and at first I was mostly unaware. Slowly, and then what seemed like all at once, I was me. I began to experience life all around me. I was more than just a body, I was thoughts and feelings....

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The Power of Declaring Joy

The Power of Declaring Joy

This Christmas, choose joy. Sometimes the choice is an exultation.  Sometimes the choice is a declaration.

Zachary is my six-year-old. His life is full of joy. In fact, during this otherwise difficult season, he is more full of joy than usual.

His life would usually be pretty busy with end-of-year events and being dragged to swim and dance gatherings for his siblings. But this year, much of this has been canceled in light of the community spread of the virus.

So, he has...

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The Jesus Transformation

The Jesus Transformation

Of all the things God could have accomplished, becoming an infant is most fascinating to me. The Lord Almighty, El Shaddai, King of kings and Lord of lords, majestic, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, I AM transformed into a baby. Does this blow your mind like it does mine?

Transformation seems to be a normal theme in scripture. There’s all kinds of transformations taking place…formless and void turned into a universe, empty jars overflowing with life-giving oil, a dry wilderness morphing into streams...

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Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental health… where to even begin. This topic is widely distorted and neglected but incredibly important. 

I’d say it’s common to take note of physical and spiritual health, emotional maybe not so much, but mental I think even less so. 

I think with all four of these areas though, there are 4 areas that are important for each. I think those areas are: fuel, exercise, rest and community. So let’s look at mental health and how these four might play a role. 


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